PFY companies enlarged discounts with higher cost
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PFY companies enlarged discounts with higher cost

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-05-27      Origin: Site


PFY companies enlarged discounts with higher cost, and downstream plants increased purchasing feedstock again, pushing up sales ratio of PFY. Price of PFY slightly rose after stocks decreased, with price of POY, FDY and DTY up by 6.7%, 10.6% and 5.2% respectively compared with end-Apr. Cash flow of PFY ascended. Cash flow of POY and FDY turned to positive territory from negative territory, and that of FDY climbed up apparently.

Except for cost issue, how much is driven by the actual demand during this round of sales improvement?

Operating rate of downstream fabric mills and dyeing plants both increased compared with Apr.

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