Views: 3 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2019-04-22 Origin: Site
Demand for synthetics fabrics
In recent years, the demand for synthetic fabrics in Russia has increased significantly and still continues to grow. According to data provided by Denis Manturov, the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade, at present, imports account for around 90% of the local market. Most of the products come from China (more than 47%). In value terms, annual imports are estimated at US$ 296.6 million, with annual growth rates of 10-12%.
According to the Russian analyst agency Discovery Research Group, the market currently varies in the range of 250,000-270,000 tonnes per year in volume terms and has big potential for further growth, thanks to its rich raw materials base and well-developed petrochemical industry.
Shamkhal Ildarov, President of the Association of Textile Workers of Russia, believes that in the near future, Russia will be capable of replacing up to 50% of imported synthetic fibres with its own production. “We have the needed raw materials’ base for the establishment of such production,” he explained. “There is only a need to add some missing components in these technological chains, which will allow Russia to produce synthetic fibres at a lower cost. The beginning our own production will make further imports unprofitable for domestic technical textiles and nonwovens producers.”
Successful implementation of these plans, according to the government, should provide an opportunity for the launch of large-scale commercial production of innovative fabrics in Russia.