spinners face deficits to process cotton yarn which influences the buying interests
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spinners face deficits to process cotton yarn which influences the buying interests

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-07-08      Origin: Site


Currently, spinners face deficits to process cotton yarn, which influences the buying interests. In terms of the spot profit of cotton yarn 32S based on CCFGroup Index CY C32S, Chinese cotton 3128, and the trading price of reserved cotton, the deficits are seen. As of Jun 28, the profits of C32S based on 2018/19 grade-3128 cotton were -692yuan/mt, that of C32S based on reserved cotton was 31yuan/mt. When the increment of feedstock prices is larger than that of downstream products, scaled enterprises have the ability to conclude orders, while small scaled enterprises have to wait for the opportunity. It was heard that in weaving sector, orders have the signal to transfer to the scaled enterprises, who can give a better price and stable quality under the sell-off situation.

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